Life lessons!

When I left Andrew Nicholson’s yard to ‘set up on my own’, I was ready for hard graft, excited at the prospect of making my own decisions and was champing at the bit to ride as, when and how I felt was right at any one time.    It was, I thought, all about the riding – and as even Andrew had admitted I was ‘getting useful’ at that, what more did I need? 

It turns out, quite a lot…


Running a professional yard, I’ve discovered, is about a lot more than being able to ride well!  

Things I’ve come to realise – and please don’t be too hard with the drrrr-hands-on-face response, sometimes you have to live things to learn them - especially if you’re young and energetic and determined to be independent …

  • You can’t do everything yourself. There’s a practical limit in the amount of hours in a day, and a mental limit in the amount of headspace it’s sensible to allocate to something not directly related to your main business focus, in my case, riding. Delegation is scary but essential!

  • You can’t please everyone all of the time; and sometimes sh*te just happens. I’ve learnt/am learning to take a deep breath, present a case, and step away.

  • Doing horses properly is properly expensive. And properly is the only way to do it.

  • The Team is ALL.

In case any of the above resonates – here’s some of the businesses/people who’ve helped me here over this last year and who I think are bloody marvellous.  A few are ‘sponsoring’, most are not, but they’re all in my opinion fab at their jobs, ‘get’ the pressures faced by young business-bods like myself, and do their best to proactively support.  The latter means a lot when you’re a minnow…


(Alphabetical, obviously, how could it be any other way…) Anna of @lycetts - Barrett - Becky of @equestriandirectservices @flexiride - Bonnie of @voltairedesignunitedkingdom - Edna & Amy of @equineproducts - Grant of @grantchanter Equine Dental  -   James of @brecklandfarriers - Jo of @JoSpear Physio  - Laura of @laurafiddamanphotography - Lucy of @rossdalesveterinarysurgeons - Maddie of @equestriantalent  - Ruth - Susannah of @haddontraining - Nick of @cavierabedding  - Laura of @cheval-safety - Jennifer of @eustonestate - Jim of @OsteopathinSuffolk - John of @jupiteram Asset Management - Kirstie of @forelockandload - Liz of @thedressagecompany - Wendy & Brian of @amesford  - And of course, always, the amazing team here at the Old Rectory; and all those people without companies to @name but who hopefully know who they are: THANK YOU! 

Now, back to the business of riding horses. Lucky me 😊 

See you next month, thank you for reading! 

Polly x



Bedtime Adventures


Spring is here!