“Polly has a serious work ethic. She has the hunger to learn and the drive to succeed. She’s good.”

- Andrew Nicholson

Polly Mountford

Born in September 1996, Polly has spent most of her time since on a horse.

In 2015, Polly worked as a rider and groom for Buck Davidson in Florida, experiencing hard graft on a 60-horse eventing yard. Buck consequently recommended her to Andrew Nicholson, for whom she worked for two years until 2017. Leaving Andrew was a big step, but it was time to set up her own yard and she had, she was told;
‘Learnt all I can teach you. Now it’s time to do it yourself’.

Mountford Sports Horses was founded in 2018. Polly now specialises in producing beautifully-bred horses for the UK quality sport horse market, alongside her very successful CCI4* eventing career.

Polly is one of the most naturally talented riders I have ever taught. (and I’ve taught a few!)

- John Jacks, Former Chairman of British Showjumping

Q & A with Polly Mountford

What are your career ambitions?

I have many!  My ultimate goal is to ride for GB on a home-produced horse (or three…)

Who are your top 3 equine heroes?

Primitive Pebbles – only gave if you asked nicely but when you did, she did!

Avebury – who I was lucky enough to ride  both before and after his retirement. He taught me flying changes – and respect.

Sprinter Sacre – I was very lucky to take on Sprinter during his retraining.  One of my all time favourite rides.  Taught me about class.

Who are your top 3 human heros?

Andrew Nicholson – the subject of my GCSE Sport Dissertation (Imagine the marks I could have got at the end of my two years’ working for him!)

Jonelle Price – because everyone needs a heroine.

Michael Jung – just because.

What is the best advice you’ve never received?

“Practice makes perfect”